If you are able to get into the Drakkarzone lobby without a problem, but the game hangs when trying to launch a character into the game, try the following:
Close out of the Drakkar program, including the DZ lobby.
Open My Computer
Navigate to your C: Drive (or whichever drive you installed the Drakkar FE on)
Goto Program Files, then Drakkarzone. (or to whichever folder you installed Drakkarzone)
Open the Folder called Drakkar.
There should be a file there named Drakkar.prm
Delete it. The game program will create a fresh one when you run it again.
Whats this file do?
Drakkar.prm is a preferences file. It stores the location and size of your sack/belt/pouch for example, where your ground window is located. If you have music turned on or off, etc. Sometimes in the course of playing the game it becomes corrupt. When this happens the game fails when trying to load the game screen. So deleting it will create a fresh copy (default settings) and allow you to launch the game again.
Crusher has informed me he believes the problem is caused by the locker window (and possibly others) being off screen when the game closes.
Hope this helps. Feel free to PM me in DZ (Civon) or IRC in #wolf is you have problems or questions.